by Reinku April 23, 2023
A private and comfortably furnished room where men can go to be men. The modern day equivalent of a smoking lounge, the lair is a retreat for guys to be free of the manners and innuendos of mixed company. Women in groups are forbidden from the lair, but it may also frequently provide a private site for seduction. A good modern lair is outfitted with a sound system, large speakers, a television, and gaming equipment.
"Hey are you hangin out with Alicia tonight?"
"Nah, tonight I just want to chill in the lair with the guys."
"Nah, tonight I just want to chill in the lair with the guys."
by jacenmango April 5, 2010
A room on the gaming website Kongregate.
Owned/neglected by redstar, it is the best room on the website. It has awesome regulars and several fireplaces.
Owned/neglected by redstar, it is the best room on the website. It has awesome regulars and several fireplaces.
by redstar (yeah right) December 26, 2008
LAIRE stands for Live Action Interactive Role-playing Explorers. Perfect example: Role Models. Best movie ever.
by jordandra August 23, 2009
Typically describing a person with a gentle, nuturing nature. Strong-willed, brave, gentle and kind. Reliable and trustworthy, a Lairs will not let you down. Siren.
Warning: A Lairs can be extremely beautiful. Calling forth an unimaginable power that no one will be able to reckon with.
Warning: A Lairs can be extremely beautiful. Calling forth an unimaginable power that no one will be able to reckon with.
by regina_filange69 November 12, 2009
the abode of the sex panther, this is the place they can be found, one adventures to a lair in search of the one that will surfice the needs of the individual.
One should go to a lair in order to find the Sex Panther, Let's go to the lair where there is the best selection.
by KaraJ April 9, 2007
A stupid b***h that likes to do what he or she wants To do and never listens to anybody else and they need to quit partying a lot and they have too many friends and they’re fake and they will go to jail and then will get the famous and rich
by Big bitty Bitch June 15, 2020