The protag of Xenoblade Chronicles, an often underrated game. He is an amazing character and would do almost anything for those he cares about. He is also the weilder of the monado, a blade controlling the flow of ether on the Bionis, where he lives.
by Walmart™ June 21, 2017
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Something that Walmart is attracted to, for some strange reason. Has a weird definition, but still seems to care deeply about it.
Walmart sure is a Shulk supporter, she should be on team Sora.
by RageS June 21, 2017
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A wart that grows on one's penis.
My dick hurts when I take a piss because of my shulk, and my doctor says I can't have sex until it's gone.
by Squidney&&Gus December 11, 2010
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the art in which a man sticks a dead rotting wombat in his ass as a ritual for a 6 year olds birthday party
"Let me just shulk myself while you blow out the candles"
by Fish December 8, 2004
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Something that can be used only in the air, and is bigger than my ego.
person 1: Shulk nair is way too big.

person 2: at least it can't 2 frame or reach the top platform.
by 9dohead March 24, 2021
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A person, usually sporting a neck beard, who once hated on She-Hulk in the game Marvel Champions. But after seeing the true power of a She-Hulk deck changes their mind, shaves and become a cuck for She-Hulk.
Clyde used to refuse to even be seen at the same table as a She-Hulk player. He's a shulk cuck now though, and only plays She-Hulk. Everyone's happier now.
by LDJF2 March 26, 2022
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