The undeniable force from music causing movement in humans.
1. Everyone ran to the artist Fake ID's concert to feel the melodic inertia.
2. The melodic inertia was in the room tonight!
by MrMelodicInertia November 30, 2022
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In the absence of an external force, a relationship in motion tends to stay in motion. This is when a couple has been together for a long time, and even though they don't seem overly happy with the situation, they stay in the relationship because why not. They are comfortable and probably too scared to experience a dramatic change and take their chances alone or with someone else. When asked, they individually might say that they do not want to marry their current significant other, but they have no plans to end the relationship and everyone pretty much assumes they will in fact get married even though their relationship has lacked a spark for quite a while. Eventually the urge to experience what life outside of the stagnant relationship has to offer is overcome by the fear that now it might be too late or not worth it and so people often succumb to RI, accepting lifelong mediocrity, perpetual what-ifs, and inevitable divorce down the road. RI usually causes more strife for all parties in the long run than it does if an individual acts proactively to avoid it and deals with the short term consequences. The longer RI exists, the more difficult it is to escape mentally, emotionally, and socially because of the awkwardness it would cause among family and friends if the relationship ended abruptly, as well as the overwhelming and growing guilt felt by the person who decides to end it.
Relationship inertia is sometimes seen when a couple gets into a serious relationship at a young age, such as in high school, and then stays together for many years and/or through college even if they have outgrown each other, especially if one or both of the individuals' only sexual partner has been the other in which case anxiety about sexual experience and an overly-stressed sense of loyalty also stabilize RI.
by Anonymous23265381 October 10, 2013
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The sensation of being half conscious or only partially awake usually occurring immediately after waking up. It is also accompanied by a desire to continue sleeping.
Jim awoke early one morning for work after a rather weak-ass sleep. The force of his sleep inertia was strong that morning. So strong in fact that Jim couldn't help himself but fall back to sleep, consequently missing his shift.
by Woody89 July 27, 2012
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the protruding nipples of a perky breast that defy gravity, temperature and logic, they point of their own inertia
you could see the nipple inertia through that wet T-Shirt
by the tao of boobs May 16, 2010
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Usually accompanied by mild insomnia, it is the feeling one has as they try to cease browsing the internet but find they are unable to stop. The result is that one slowly drifts on into the unending space of the web.
Thought #1: I should really go to bed...
Thought #2: No... Just one more link.
Thought #73: Oh god: I've been drifting for 5 hours. A bad case of Internet Inertia tonight.
by Fint March 4, 2012
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The amount of emotional stability associated with an individual as it pertains to how dramatic an event is required to move them to an extreme emotional state.
His girlfriend seems to be able to be moved to tears by such a simple thing as a greeting card commercial. That chick has absolutely no emotional inertia!
by SmoovJC November 19, 2012
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