He is very annoying but endearing.

he goes "chill bro" for almost everything u say
Thavanes: "Chill bro."
by ciiphr- October 16, 2022
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ok so really funny guy always there and is lonely but can attract tons of people (he's so awkward he eases the awkwardness ) some times he's surprisingly social while discussing topics he likes and he loves chess, art and books, oh did i mention books because he.is.in loveee with books (writes too :0) and is superr smart. hes usually the go to choice to be third wheeled and give girls guy advice and does it too much. he probably know more about you that you do yourself but gets ignored in groups too. poor guy spends too much time on helping others he remains single and rejected multiple times (those girls are are missing out :( ) and that brings down his confidence but he is always looking out to improve himself and is extremely hardworking and dynamic. just get a boyfriend or bestfriend named thavanes alread. also he has many nicknames like tavu, tava, thavan, thivanesh, etc.(most are mispronunciations 💀,its pronounced tha-vah-nesh)
person 1-bro that guy never leaves his book and is constantly chatting with some random girl
person 2- yea,i thought id never meet a thavanes,better go talk to him
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