
A place where it rains 24/7 and all the inhabitants are drowning in oil but don't tell the americans.
Nothing exciting ever happens here.
'The colour beige is as drab as taranaki"

"It has the atmosphere of taranaki"
by Sergei anotov November 27, 2018
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Nazakala Taranaki Rahira Whiro.

The name of the progenitor of Ngati Whiro-te-tipua, Tribe of the evil deity of darkness.

He's prophesied abolishing the constitutional monarchy of Aotearoa, freeing the land of the long white cloud from the british empires reign.

In the future he will prevent Prince George Alexander Louis from, attaining all three current ceremonial ranks in the countries military.

Ngati-Tumatauenga/Tribe of the God of War's, Ngati-Tawhirimatea/Tribe of the God of Wind's & Ngati-Tangaroa/Tribe of the God of Sea's.

Each branch of the government's military will be seized, by the progenitor six decade's from now the incursion is impending...
Kō Nazakala Taranaki Rahira Whiro tōku Ingoa.

Nō Ngati-Kahangunu Me Te-Ati-Awa Ōku iwi.
by Dethrix Drakath. November 22, 2023
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