Think. Relate. Respond.

A person's ability to converse.
Yo bra, that dudes TRR sucks.
by ExcelerateYourLoveLife January 11, 2011
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It stands for typical republican response.
Have you see that video of the 6 year old girl pretending to be homeless, and when she asks an old man for help he tells her to go away? Really? She’s fucking 6! #trr
by PanhandlePeet February 2, 2018
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Standing for "Total Rat Rookie", this term is used when someone displays, in some way, a hint of 'unprofessionalism', resulting in them being a TRR. The hashtag is used for clearer labeling.
Wow, look at that badly photoshopped picture #TRR
by Malicious_Tea December 5, 2014
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