He's a fat grey guy with elephant feet and white round face. He's always sad.
StrongSad,"Each day we die a little more..." He stuff like that and he has a sad high pitched voice.
by Jeff November 4, 2003
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Enormous elephant individual who is depressed due to constant maltreatment from StrongBad
StrongBad: "Uur, StrongBad do you think of me as a one-legged puppy? Is that drawing meant to be me?"
StrongSad: "Er. No I think of you as a two-legged elephant named Tenderfoot. 'I could power a small city with my whining'."
StrongSad: "I probably could."
by MrTad March 10, 2007
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strongbad's brother who is very sad most of the time (well... all the time). He also has a great memery of young strongbad.

(found at homestarrunner.com)
strongbad: "All I can say is... strongsad's adopted." Strongsad: "Thats not ture!"
by Ant December 23, 2003
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