A sink that you go poo poo in.

Usually hard to clean up, so I recommend doing it at sink at a house you're visiting, not your own.
I really had to go poo poo, so I unloaded into the stink sink.

I left a surprise for the hotel staff in the form of a stink sink.
by Urist McUrist April 15, 2021
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I was going down on this (person), and their Stink Sink was just awful. I hope they’re alright.
by Stink Sink Licker August 28, 2022
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1) often found in office environments; sink stink is particularly found in areas that are in close proximity to plankerville (men's and women's)

2) also found in food preparation areas, where hygiene may be compromised
1) "my god! what is that sink stink? is joel in plankerville again?"

2) "my god! what did high pants do? it smells funny"
by tina miller January 25, 2008
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Patrick knows that he will never be able to put his little ass penis in a girls sink stink.
by Twatatious Jill July 25, 2006
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