An honorable game in which two combatants (Or more) Duel with mops that have been dipped in a bucket of fresh urine. Stink mop is a good way to Learn 'Bad Distraction' In which case, You get a mouthful of Whizz.
Good distraction Frees us from emotional pain... Bad distraction gives us a mouthful of whizz - Stink Mop Revelations 14 : 5
by Draiss January 2, 2013
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When you and a few others urinate into a bucket, then soak two mops in the urine filled bucket and whack each other with the mops until your opponent either passes out, gets knocked out quits.
my friends and i played stink mop yesterday. it was disgusting
by jobflobadobYob September 26, 2010
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