A) A generalization used to describe a group of people. Often times they are negatively driven, but may also have positive connotations. They are often times true, but some are highly exaggerated and should be mentioned sparingly.

B) A word that serves as an excuse to stereotype people by posting this definition on Urban Dictionary. Watch out, stereotypees!
Shaniqua: Damn gurl you got some tiny-ass chest and tinier eyelids . Ain't no surprise cuz you a asian ho.

Yoko: Shut up you onry good at scaring peopurl and speak-u ebonics. That no real language. Stopu stereotype me!

Shaneequa: Like you can talk English better than me!

by muffin lover September 16, 2008
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A usually cruel generalization of a certain group of people. Although usually cruel, almost always true.
1. Asians have small penis' (true)
2. Jews are cheap (true)
3. Men are always rude (true)
4. All men want sex (true)
5. All women love to spend all men's money (true)
6. Mexican's take low paying jobs for long hours (true)
7. Jews like chinese food (can be true but not always)
8. Blacks never fight, they shoot (true)
9. Americans are fat and lazy (true)
10. Women are all good looking (false, email me if you need proof)

All are a form of Stereotype
by greatkoreanhunter June 18, 2007
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A preconceived view of a group that is usually based on a bit of truth, but then blown out of proportion to categorize the ENTIRE group.

Examples of stereotypes

Blacks are lazy and prefer welfare over work

Asians are book smart but can't even get across the street

Jews have an obsession with money and have no social graces

Whites are threatened by minorities moving ahead of them

Blondes are idiots

Women can't drive for shit

Africans have AIDS and are poor as fuck

Russians are stiff-assed mobsters

People on Wall Street are coke heads

by Mickey Liondess February 7, 2009
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A label (usually negative) that people assume applies to EVERYONE who belongs to a certain group.

Muslims are terrorists

British people are WASPs

Black people are violent and stupid

Women who wear revealing clothing are prostitutes

Asians are workaholics and overachievers

Gays and lesbians are freaks

Blondes are stupid

Intelligent people are nerds

Creative, artistic people are freaks, devil-worshippers, effeminate, and suicidal

Violists are just violinists who can't play to save their lives

Girls are snobby and only care about boys
by violagirl May 5, 2012
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General observations seen as derogatory by the public eye.

Black people smell like shit.
Mexicans and blacks occupy most prison population for a reason.
by dewbyy October 20, 2009
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Usually an inappropriate prejudice of someone of a certain skin color or cultural background. Although very offensive, they are almost always true and therefore humorous. White people do not have any bad stereotypes because they are superior and therefore have no bad qualities. The only people that do not think that stereotypes are true are the people in which they are about. Many times the word "ignorance" is used by people that are against stereotypes to describe those that make fun of them, but this is irrelevant because witnessing stereotypes with your six senses is most definitely not ignorance.
ex.) person 1:Man!, I can't hear you talking over those loud black people over there.
person 2: dude, that is such an ignorant stereotype.
person 1: wait, so you don't hear them practically yelling in ebonics over there?
person 2: What!?!? I can't hear you.
person 1: exactly...
by keep the dream alive April 26, 2011
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