The act of missing out on life because your watching LAW & ORDER : SVU, sucking the cheese from COMBO'S and discarding the sucked on pretzel part on the floor..
"Where's Dan? Oh, he's come down a bad case of STEPHANIE SYNDROME."
by harrycomet July 22, 2009
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A disease people with the name Stephanie get. Often known as S.R.S.
Symptoms are usaully extreme crazinies, retardedness, dry humor. S.R.S is uncureable but is not infectious to other. S.R.S is geneitically inherited.
Person 1: What happened to Stephanie? I havn't seen her in ages.
Person 2: Oh havn't you heard? Shes been diagnosed with the Stephanie Retard Syndrome.
Person 1: Well that explains alot.
by NessaHeartSteph August 8, 2011
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