Server that banned notorious infant Mad Professional.
Mad professional: I can't believe Sonorum banned me, my diaper is soaked.
by cockinspector July 4, 2021
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A word used to find out if someone is just a poser who is trying to impress you.
Don: "Have you ever tried sonorum frostonium?
The Beebster: "Oh of course! It's my favorite dessert!"
Don: "Nice try guy"
by djp3 September 28, 2021
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Josaih Swanson talked a lot about this somewhere on the interweb. It has something to do with Vannevar Bush. It's the word to use when describing a certain kind of beachy, smokey, eerie vibe.
Sonorum Frostonium was felt at the concert last night, between whiffs of coconut steam and candle burning.
by josiahswanson December 9, 2021
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Ice skater: *lands a triple double axel quadruple lutz combo*
Talia: Yooooo did you see that sonorum frostonium?
by tburban September 21, 2021
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