Verb - The act of playing music through the speaker on a mobile phone, usually on public transport. Commonly practiced by young people wearing polyester, branded sportswear with dubious musical taste.
Delia was exposed to hip hop for the first time last Wednesday, when, on the 75 bus to Catford, a youth was sodcasting from the back seat.
by Chris & Roj September 9, 2007
When someone plays their music out loud in a public area which can lead to the annoyance of the people surrounding them... sometimes with violent results...
1.)(On the bus)
Mike : Ah for chuff sake, the driver just let on another twat playing their chuffin' sodcast...
Sam : Yea, what a tool! Let's get him sorted out... (storms of to confront sodcaster)
2.) (In the library)
Craig : Let's go to the library to study...
Ryan : Nah, we'll just get distracted by some feckin' chavs and their bloody sodcasts.
Mike : Ah for chuff sake, the driver just let on another twat playing their chuffin' sodcast...
Sam : Yea, what a tool! Let's get him sorted out... (storms of to confront sodcaster)
2.) (In the library)
Craig : Let's go to the library to study...
Ryan : Nah, we'll just get distracted by some feckin' chavs and their bloody sodcasts.
by Mike Waterston October 20, 2007
when kids (usually ages 7-16) connect their phones or ipods to a beats by dre pill speaker and blast their music at full volume with the bass boosted all the way up. usually done when sitting in the far back of a bus or in some other public place. this can be really annoying for adults trying to relieve stress or work on something important.
one day in the airport waiting room i took my phone out and blasted songs from youtube at full volume (known as sodcasting). some lady who was on her laptop yelled at me to put on some headphones and i turned it down a bit. then after about 30 seconds i turned it up full blast again just to piss her off.
by huneriscool17 April 28, 2016
When kids (usually ages 7-16) connect their phones or ipods to a beats by dre pill speaker and blast their music at full volume with very high bass. Usually done when sitting in the far back of a bus or in some other public place. This can be very annoying to adults trying to read or work on something important.
At the airport last christmas I decided to sodcast songs from YouTube on my phone at full blast, and this lady on her laptop yelled at me to put on some headphones. I turned my phone down, then after about 30 seconds I turned all the way up again just piss her off. Sodcasting is an amazing thing people can do.
by huneriscool17 April 28, 2016