a person who literally gets off on being somewhere they’re not wanted lol the other definition is wrong
my friend : why are you going to your exes party he hates u

me : i’m a social masochist
by no pride November 6, 2021
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Someone who knowingly dresses or behaves like an idiot / outcast / douchebag / insert negative descriptor, in order to come across as "different" or "eccentric" Generally accepted to be an asshat by all. A form of masochism associated with film students who wear fedoras.
This tubby fuck in my American Cinema class wears a fedora and acts like he knows shit, everyone pities him for being a social masochist.
by Seano Osaka March 15, 2009
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A person who derive emotional gratification from their own pain or humiliation, on social media.
They enjoy the self inflicted pain, brought on by their social media activity. . Craving the negative attention, they're a social media masochist.
by DOM_FADDA December 29, 2022
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