Fully grown Snerbs who have completed their training and mastered the art of masturbation. Also proficient in handing out random information and knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. Very hermatic and impervious to all degrees of sarcasm
Fnord - Holy shit a snerbinator
Snerbinator - ph33r!!!
Fnord - attack miss
Fnord - attack miss
Fnord - attack miss
Fnord - attack miss
Snerbinator - lololol!!! HS..HS...HS..HS....pwned...lol
Snerbinator - Win
by David November 18, 2004
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One who Snerbinates Fnords
Man that snerbinator H4x3d that not so l33t fnord.
by David November 18, 2004
Get the Snerbinator mug.