Seraquel is the brand name for the a prescription anti-psychotic quetapine. It is an atypical anti-psychotic along with risperidone, olanzapine, clozapine, etc.

Atpyical anti-psychotics are the new generation of anti-psychotics, believed to be more effective in smaller amounts, and with less dangerous side-effects like tardive dyskenesia than the last generation of anti-psychotics, such as perphenazine which is said to have a 5% probability of incidence of tardive dyskenesia per year.
Atypical anti-psychotics usually have a higher incidence of side effects such as insulin resistance, drowsiness, metabolic disturbances resulting often in weight gain, and lactation in both men and women. Quetapine's (Seraquel)'s main side effect is drowsiness and is often used off label to treat sleep disorders like insomnia. Other sleep related side-effects are vivid or bizzare dreams, sleep walking, and difficutly waking up.
I was prescribed seraquel for my insomnia and whenever I take it I have these vivid dreams about being attacked by police german sheppards in a playground. Then I can't wake up for 24 hours.
by p@$$ing thr.ugh February 5, 2010
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