This person is a great human being and you're enough. I hope this person knows that they only need themselves to be happy, I know society builds up the standard that whenever they're alone they're not living a happy life. But in fact, that is not true, if they need to realize that they actually deserve all the good things happening, they need to treat themselves a lot nicer. Not to let themselves be beaten up over past mistakes, never regret, and never overthink. Otherwise, their mind breaks them down and thinks everyone hates them when in reality they are amazing and caring. I am glad they exist and I hope others do too. They also have their imperfections that they think that it makes up so much for their personality when, they're perfect, inside and out. They care more about other people more than themselves and care about people's opinions when all they need to realize is they are themselves and that's all that matters. But they stand up for their opinions no matter what, and they deserve all the respect for that. This person is an amazing friend and person.
"You're being such a Sephtis" Emily said to her bestfriend.
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This person is a great human being and you're enough. I hope this person knows that they only need themselves to be happy, I know society builds up the standard that whenever they're alone they're not living a happy life. But in fact, that is not true, if they need to realize that they actually deserve all the good things happening, they need to treat themselves a lot nicer. Not to let themselves be beaten up over past mistakes, never regret, and never overthink. Otherwise, their mind breaks them down and thinks everyone hates them when in reality they are amazing and caring. I am glad they exist and I hope others do too. They also have their imperfections that they think that it makes up so much for their personality when, they're perfect, inside and out. They care more about other people more than themselves and care about people's opinions when all they need to realize is they are themselves and that's all that matters. But they stand up for their opinions no matter what, and they deserve all the respect for that. This person is an amazing friend and person.
"wow you're really a Sephtis" Emily said to her friend, smiling.
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