a muscian who is makes music to only:
1.make money
2.makes music to fit "the crowd" in order to make money
3.only wants the fame and glory of being a so-called "celebrity"
by Anonymous October 24, 2003
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when a band/singer/rapper changes their music/style in order to sell records.
gwen stefani is a 'sell out'.
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Someone who chooses to fuck you over for a stupid ass reason. (EX. girlfriend, boyfriend, work, family)
You're gonna sell out for that stupid bitch!!!!
Where is my bottle Of Crown you fucking sell out!!!
by Kristen August 6, 2003
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According to the metal community, any band that gains the tinyest amount of fame is considered selling out.

So in short, listen to what you like and don't tell anyone else what they think is good music or not.
Dumbass: Omg I hate Dragonforce cuz they sold out and now they are popular and I am dumbass who can't derive my own taste in music lolroflz.

Me: What the shit? You need other people to tell you what sell outs are? That's pretty sad. Just listen to whatever pleases your ears you dumb fuck and shut up about it.
by jokemall April 12, 2007
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v. 1. The greatest atrocity of our generation.

2. The favorite activity of 99.9% of the modern no-talent rock/pop stars.

3. The fastest known way to become a soulless, worthless piece of shit.
"All you know about me is what I sold you, dumb fuck. I sold out long before you ever even heard my name."
by cynical asshole June 19, 2003
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compromising of integrity, morality, and principles. in exchange for money.
bands that no one knew about a year ago now having 12 year olds love them are now sell outs.
by fxckthis August 4, 2008
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The act of changing yourself, your intrests, or everything about you to fit the majority. This can be applied to alot of things. Such as a good friend leaving you out to dry for personnal gains, or a music group changing their own style to sell records.

To abandon what is really you just so you can be "cool" in the eyes of everyone else.
My friends (sell outs): Hey lets go dress up in pink Polos and short khaki shorts and sperries and spend all our money on crown royal and take Daddy's BMW and go hang out with all those real rich preppy kids from school so we can be awesome and just maybe get laid from a couple of town bikes

Me: Have fun
by Cooper88 June 1, 2009
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