Commonly occur on hard floors whilst wearing baggy shorts and singlets. Often referred to as "basketball". Basketball was designed as a homosexual sport, the most obvious evidence of this is that the "key" looks strangely like a penis.
Fred: Hey Bob, want to go watch some Secret Gay Orgies, lots of big black guys all over each other.

Bob: Are the Lakers playing?

Fred: Yes.

Bob: Sick i'm in. They are the best homosexuals.
by TheTruth31. October 13, 2009
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The flip-side of a fag-hag.

The "Secret Gay Boyfriend" is that gay man who surrounds himself (and is utterly and undeniably attracted to) women who are witty, intelligent, stylish, urbane, and hysterically funny.
Example: Instead of "Alyssa is John's Fag Hag" (such a crap term), we say "John is Alyssa's Secret Gay Boyfriend."
by john in boston July 13, 2005
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swag = seceretly we are gay
Person1: i hav swag
Person2: secretely we are gay
by Maxkondar January 13, 2017
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A Secret Gay is someone from the male gender which is apart of the LGBTQ+ and is not assumed and pretends to be heterossexual.
Who do you think is the secret gay from the class
by DIJI_is_dictionary May 8, 2024
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