Commonly occur on hard floors whilst wearing baggy shorts and singlets. Often referred to as "basketball". Basketball was designed as a homosexual sport, the most obvious evidence of this is that the "key" looks strangely like a penis.
Fred: Hey Bob, want to go watch some Secret Gay Orgies, lots of big black guys all over each other.
Bob: Are the Lakers playing?
Fred: Yes.
Bob: Sick i'm in. They are the best homosexuals.
Bob: Are the Lakers playing?
Fred: Yes.
Bob: Sick i'm in. They are the best homosexuals.
by TheTruth31. October 13, 2009
The flip-side of a fag-hag.
The "Secret Gay Boyfriend" is that gay man who surrounds himself (and is utterly and undeniably attracted to) women who are witty, intelligent, stylish, urbane, and hysterically funny.
The "Secret Gay Boyfriend" is that gay man who surrounds himself (and is utterly and undeniably attracted to) women who are witty, intelligent, stylish, urbane, and hysterically funny.
Example: Instead of "Alyssa is John's Fag Hag" (such a crap term), we say "John is Alyssa's Secret Gay Boyfriend."
by john in boston July 13, 2005
by Maxkondar January 13, 2017
A Secret Gay is someone from the male gender which is apart of the LGBTQ+ and is not assumed and pretends to be heterossexual.
by DIJI_is_dictionary May 8, 2024