Brainless guy: “what’s a scrub daddy?” Me: “A sponge. With a smiley face.” Brainless guy: “🧽🙂” Me: “I guess so
by I need help 2023 January 11, 2023
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A term for excellent dishwashers and or dudes who scrub up hot babes with complexes
so my girl says she wants a 'scrub daddy' for christmas, am I in?

So my girl says she wants a "scrub me harder daddy" for christmas... do they even sell those?
by vapenash420dankmemes July 14, 2017
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When a man refuses to give you a rim job because of his scrub qualities such as not shaving for over 2 weeks or when they suffer from the addiction of keyboard cleaner.
"You scrub daddy now my asshole is so lonely.."
by Kayylahbabe March 7, 2009
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scrub scrub daddy 🧽🧽😩🍆
mmm i love my scrub daddy you should all get scrub daddies
by poopdaddyz November 14, 2021
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