A new feature on apple devices that allows parents to limit screen time for there kids. A retarded feature used mostly by adults to put into kids devices because kids “use them too much” fuck who ever made screen time.
Oh I can’t do that cause I have screen time
My parents put screen time on my phone
Oh I didn’t respond to the text because of screen time
My parents put screen time on my phone
Oh I didn’t respond to the text because of screen time
by Little Timmy has Ligma July 31, 2019
by rainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn March 15, 2021
Screen Time is a word used to describe what parents try to fucking end all teenager's enjoyments because adults are dumbasses. Often used by parents to annoy the hell out of kids and fear monger any potential harm to their kids ("hurts
their eyes" "make them violent and cause school shootings" "make their brains rot out") and other shitty fake news.
their eyes" "make them violent and cause school shootings" "make their brains rot out") and other shitty fake news.
Mom: "Jimmy, get off your Xbox! And what ever that stupid game is about the wild west! Your two seconds of Screen Time is up!"
Jimmy: "Fuck you Mom! You're a fear- mongering soccer mom bitch!"
Jimmy: "Fuck you Mom! You're a fear- mongering soccer mom bitch!"
by adulthater1 April 24, 2019
by Sinfonia69 October 24, 2014
Screen time is such A fucking terrible thing and for most of our parents love it like to turn it of and have our freedom is impossible and it fucks with teens or kids and honestly we all want freedom I don’t give a shit on how long it’s going to take well alaawa find a way to not have it like to turn it of it’s like 47 calls cuz I always hang up
That one kid who doesn’t have screen time :wanna play Roblox
Me with the screen time :sure let me ask.screams to dad* can you turn of screen time my friend is here
The bitch who won’t turn it off: NO!
Me in my brain :I’m going to put him in a nursing home !
Me with the screen time :sure let me ask.screams to dad* can you turn of screen time my friend is here
The bitch who won’t turn it off: NO!
Me in my brain :I’m going to put him in a nursing home !
by MISH GURL YURRRRR November 21, 2021