Also known as a 'mini scoop' or a 'scoop lite', a scooplet is a bit of journalism (in the Era of Don The Con Trump) that doesn't quite rise to the level of BREAKING NEWS, however the scooplet would hold great interest to many news junkies, The Resistance, anyone preferring actual facts, or anyone with even a scooplet-sized brain cell. The term Scooplet was coined by the wordsmith and MSNBC TV news host, Rachel Maddow. At the time of this entry, Scooplet was not a word in Urban Dictionary, therefore this author determines the credible, original source is definitely Rachel Maddow, spoken during her Feb. 27th evening program.
We have an exciting little scooplet coming up! An exclusive breaking story that didn't make the headlines today, but you definitely don't want to miss!
by OriginalDaisy February 28, 2018
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a word that refers to a small scoop of ice cream
can i have a scooplet of ice cream please? i can’t eat that much.
by catheter July 15, 2018
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