A replacement for literally any word, can replace names, insults and items. Often used when angry by those who don't like to swear

Other words include: Schmipping, Schmipped, Schmips, Schmipses.
"Our psychology teacher is such a schmip!" "What a feken schmip!" "Goddamn schmip!"
by Graham de Grant March 18, 2020
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Pipi-schmip: glass pipe used for smoking whispers (meth).
Hey, Virgil, stop camping with that pipi-schmip! Pass it along over here.

Pour some whispers in that pipi-schmip and blaze!
Fire that pipi-schmip up and spin it!
by DirtyDrugPipe March 21, 2022
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Just another word for dipping

I made this so my brother can kindly shut his mouth and can't say its not in any dictionary.
by imthetreebyyourhouse July 12, 2023
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