Sam is a blond headed boy with blue eyes is an amazing guy loves to laugh has crazy friends . He can be a total bitch sometimes but he's worth it ... He makes you feel like well u can't even explain it You want to talk to him every second of every day and he makes u nervous when ur around him .... He wants u to be comfortable around him be ur self don't change even if ur friend tells u to do something because he might like you and he loves when girls sit on his lap and kiss, hug and do every thing u could imagine
Wow u see him over there ...


His name is Sam and he's my boyfriend
by Jay.lynn April 17, 2017
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Sam is a nonce that will be prowling around playgrounds most likely with Issac, if he isnt getting kids for his collection then he is doing some pegging Issac silly
Have you seen Sam on the news he was pegging a child in his van
by June 5, 2020
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A fking useless mother fker, always will have a crush in girls call Carisaw
Sam is a dick
by Dickensome April 9, 2019
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A man with a tiny carrot... Sam will make you cry in the bedroom (and not in a good way).

He often uses the phrase ‘No u’ and is not very funny on group chats.
Sam is usually terrible at comebacks and does not like people that talk too much or too loud.
As a whole they are a good guy but they like banter (even though they always loose)
Gertrude Gizzleburg: I had sex with Sam last night
Jonas Crimble: Oh my god Gerty, are you ok? Was it as bad as they say

Dan Evalbeval: Oh my god I’ve heard the new kid is a really bad Sam...
Gertrude Gizzleburg: Thanks for warning me Dan, I thought he might have been more of a Stafford
by Gertrude Gizzleburg April 13, 2020
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If you know a guy named Sam he probaly thinks hes a mad drug addict but he only snorts candy. his mum is basic as hell and coudlnt be botherd coming up with a better name so she named him fucking sam.
by hehehehhehahahahahtehehe July 18, 2019
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noun- A huge turd floating in the Detroit sewer system usually resulting from eating nachos at another Lions loss. Sometimes Sams can travel great distances and have been known to pop up as far away from Detroit as Vermont or North Carolina.
I went drop a Sam at Ford Field and Matt Millen was in the stall next to me.
by Bruce Cheeseman November 19, 2007
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