If there’s porn of it, it can become wholesome.
“Did you see Ankha Zone?”

“Yeah, but someone on YouTube made a rule 74 version of it where she actually dances”
by CrimsonDragon March 23, 2022
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Rule 74 clearly states, that all men are idiots, or at least have an idiotic side to them....girls however, most likely don't...Blonds are possible exceptions to the rule....

Also 74 is an idiot's favorite number, no exceptions.

As a third part, Most idiots will run the world forever.

"Rule 74...part three..."

by Aduro April 14, 2010
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if it exists, there's a friday night funkin' mod of it.
just saw some cool rule 74, you should go download it.
by yo0mie February 23, 2021
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