A school located in the English town of Hinckley, it is generally classed as a BTEC Hinckley Academy, ironic considering most students from the school go on to have only a BTEC qualification after their lack of GCSEs, and commonly falls 2nd in Hincklyians' list of dodgy schools in the area. The only separation it holds from its dodgier counterpart is the smaller net roadman output, with the school boasting a record-low 41% of year 11s in a gang. A stroll past the school gates at lunch must be warned against as your innocent lunchbreak stroll will see you witness a notorious field-fight, where two students battle it out to the death in an attempt to settle their disagreements over who should be attributed with the honour of being known as the person who smoked the most weed on the walk to school in that morning, and will result in you having to spend 3 hours of your day in the school office providing evidence which will go towards absolutely nothing as the school will no doubt find both wrestlers guilty, even when one of the students mistakes their mothers chopped-up basil for cannabis and smokes that on the way to school. Another common sight is dented artwork that hangs on the school corridors due the the art teacher's belief that displaying students' amazing artwork liven up the premises but, to the art department's disappointment, the canvasses only became a target for students with anger-issues to punch after being omitted from lessons for the 5th time in as many days.
Household member 1: *Slams door* help help!
Household member 2: What's the matter?
Household member 1: Quick get the nose disinefectant out the cupboard I just caught a whiff of burnt basil from a Redmoor Academy student whilst on my morning jog
by Suntan Dave October 23, 2020
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