Rayia isn’t a common name, the name Rayia is very unique and fabulous! Most People named Rayia are home bodies and chill but when it comes down to it they will turn up. People with the name Rayia are very pretty & are very antisocial. They keep their emotions hidden because sometimes they feel as if people don’t understand them but they are straight up with everybody.
“Rayia” was lit at that party last night!
by iamray March 22, 2021
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Amazing, perfect, tall, plays soccer and enjoys ice shaking, likes to pretend to be a narwhal. But sadly, wishes she was a mix between a unicorn and a penguin. Is friends with a Raé. Has a pet snake that wears a sock with a cowgirl hat. Has braces. Brown hair. Has brown or green eyes. Beautiful inside and out. Awkward around people she doesn't know.
Rayia likes pie.
Rayia is definitely not a vegan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Teambetterthanyou9juanjuan December 5, 2017
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