RanDomthiNg521 known best for stark industries 20 drops is a man with a bad mic and a great mic at the same time also hates the British
Random:are you bri.ish mate biscuits and tea
Sheepman: oh you shut up RanDomthiNg521
by Clumsy noname December 27, 2021
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Expertise at Fortnite, 10/10 YouTuber.
Dylmix: Did RanDomthiNg521 just win.
Sheepman: Yes.
Dylmix: Pog
by Cactus TN January 27, 2021
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Creator of the cult classic ‘I dropped squad fill 20 times, once played with clumsy noname
Holly thenotable: Did RanDomthiNg521 upload?
Tors thenotable: Yes
by DylmixOnYT January 4, 2021
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