A girl which is a whole world ! An angle it self !

Her eyes are a universe full of life and stars .. her smile takes you back to heaven ---> where she blongs to .

My lady
Raghad is world

The soul of the soul

Soul reveal /s.r/ for her ❤
by A man from her world January 3, 2018
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Raghad is an Arabic name written in the quran its among the words god said to Adam and Eve in heaven.
it means happy,pleasurable,pleasant and luxurious life.
basically a life in heaven .
a girl with this name will give you joy in life will give you comfort and happiness, ohhh gooood she is life's heaven.
that girl Raghad she is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Raghad is an arabic name which means "pleasant" or "happily ever after" .
A raghad girl is so pure , she is like a work of art... A beautiful work of art , a pure glorious beautiful painting
A raghad girl is so cute that you'll be overwhelmed with her cuteness and her smile will take you in a parallel universe
You will always Drown in raghad
She mostly smells like a light mix of "oud wood & dark vanilla"

Raghad is a great gamda fashkh person
The girl with the ref hair who's named raghad is the most beautiful woman in the world

My raghad takes me to a parallel universe "pink yellow blue black heart"
Raghad is cute
Raghad is beautiful
Raghad is love
Raghad is life

Raghad is 1in4
by Hadi ^^ August 19, 2021
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A thing, a person, or a heaven that fills someone’s heart with complete perfection. This term had to be separated and written completely separate from the other synonyms as perfection because its on a whole level of perfection that is incomparable. Mostly given to a perfect creature, originally a heavenly description of an angel that makes one’s world the brightest place. Also, most of time, any person that falls for such a thing gets blinded by her perfect bright light. You can never love anything more than a person named Raghad and also is Raghadly.

All in all, if it’s a person, it’s the most beautiful heaven of an angel that can exist in the brightest world that is so purely angelic material that makes ur heart fall out of place.
Raghad is so much like heaven, you feel like you’re in Raghadland

Raghad: Perfectest Perfected Perfection
by Someone so in love with Raghad December 6, 2019
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Raghad is known to be a beautiful, hilarious, smart girl with a gold heart. She is known to be shy and quiet around you until she is able to trust you or be comfortable around you. If you have a Raghad in your life then you are lucky, because she is a great listener and will help you if you are in a tight situation. She still has respect for the people who hate her guts, because she knows that haters are just insecure people trying to bring her down. She is really loyal when it comes to friendships and relationships. Raghad does not like to participate in sports activities, but she has really nice body curves. She is known to have pure white skin, brown or hazel eyes and and long, soft, brown, wavy hair. She is usually of Persian, Middle-Eastern or European descent. If you have lost a friend named Raghad, know that it is your loss and you didn't deserve her, and you will never meet any other heartwarming, amazing girl like her.
I miss Raghad so much

Raghad is the love of my life
by Mohammed71 February 7, 2022
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a light in your life that will shine even brighter when things go dark , a beautiful blessing sent to few individuals. a heart so pure giving others so much joy.
raghad is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
by RAGHADMS June 15, 2019
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an extremely cool girl. that everybody wants to be like. and lots of girls want to be her.

"dammnnn that girl raghad is hot."

"get off of her shes mine"

they fight over her!

by sexyyycani October 15, 2008
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