Rabbit on

Aussie slang for someone who talks incessantly about anything and everything without having a point to the story,
Speed users seem to "Rabbit on" when they are on the gear.
Can be used in singular or plural ie "Rabbit on" or Rabbiting on"
Cunt "Rabbit on " all night,must have been on the gear."thank fuck he's gone."
He was "rabbiting on all night"wouldn't shut the fuck up,"On on the GOey"
by GS71 April 5, 2015
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rabbit rabbit

Say rabbit rabbit on the first of the month and the rabbit will run away with your problems.
how old is rabbit rabbit?
oh man its real old
by tonyfranciozi October 24, 2006
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rabbit rabbit

Say rabbit rabbit on the first of the month and the rabbit will run away with your problems.
how old is rabbit rabbit?
oh man its real old
by tonyfranciozi October 24, 2006
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Rabbiting on

Talking continuously/non-stop. This comes from Cockney rhyming slang - 'Rabbit and Pork' = talk. Therefore in the tradition of Cockney rhyming slang to 'rabbit' or 'rabbiting on' is to talk a lot.
by I<3mydictionary July 4, 2009
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Related to rabbits or Rabbit law or their writings or teachings.
Dr. Bunnygirl has been cited as having made the most significant contribution to rabbitical literature in all of history.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 25, 2021
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Mike and Jessica are like rabbits!
by vanessa February 16, 2005
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The cutest thing to ever live on Earth. With their big ears and fluffy tails who wouldn't fall in love with them.
snuffle snuffle munch munch yum yum

Thats the way rabbits eat!
by jack sparrow is hot January 1, 2010
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