Sheree is an RSG! She needs a good spanking!
by Reform School Girl September 23, 2008
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The literal definition of a bitch ass keyboard warrior. Complete loser who obsesses with people online and most likely falls in love with the people he hates on.
Yo don't be an RSG 2
by RronDaBomb January 30, 2020
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Random Sperm Generator. The whole reason why sperm count exist.
Guy 1: Bro, why is my sperm count low?
Guy 2: Because your RSG is fucked.
Guy 1: The fuck is a RSG?
by SpermBoi November 9, 2020
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A bunch of geechie weebs that play 2k
You was in a party with them rsg dudes yesterday, they’re so lame.
by Camiikase March 28, 2020
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You don't want to be one of these, a rat snitch goof
He's a RSG
by fkn crash October 17, 2023
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