Used when you want someone or a group of people to be quiet. It is done by placing your middle finger and ring finger on your thumb, to create a "coyote".
"Everyone, please be quiet!!!!"
"Quiet Coyote." while doing the hand symbol
by Courtney Rose October 15, 2007
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When a bunch of people are talking, or just one person, you just make a coyote sign with your hands and scream QUIET COYOTES autistically. If you feel like being polite, throw in a thank you at the end.
Joel: "QUIET COYOTES JOHN, thank you!"
by Chign from yo February 28, 2018
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Making the Quiet Coyote symbol, (index and pinky fingers up with your middle and ring finger touching your thumb) stick your index finger into the gooch/vagina and the pinky finger into the anus while putting your other hand over the subjects mouth to enforce silence.
John: *Screaming and yelling*
Joe: Shut up before I quiet coyote you!
by Queit Coyote July 18, 2022
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