The Pringle Dingle can go 1 of 2 ways, one is to have your penis the size of a Pringles can or the size of the chip inside.
Omg Karin my boyfriend gave me a Pringle Dingle and I loved it
by PortalDM March 10, 2019
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Hey guys, it's Quandale Nayvadius Quantavius Pringle-Dingle III. I'm now in prison After stealing an elderly lady's shopping cart to flee from Dale Dinglestone's father-in-law(which is a FBI agent).
by T4uruss August 9, 2022
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yingle ringle ningle pingle fingle dingle nigger
single hingle qingle single yingle lingle bingle vibngle cinvle xiclnelsflsfsdfd
friend: whats yo name

other friend: quandale dingle pringle cootchie smith the 3rd sr jr young version
by quandaledinglepringlecoothcies September 15, 2023
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