Formula-narrative driven public-consciousness regarding the President's Progress, where epic heights are routinely imperiled with chasmic pitfalls, and where for every second speech the 'stakes could not be higher,' will 'define his/her presidency,' and invites the usual cliches by the typical pundits.
-- Phew!! I'm just glad that, for all the upheavals, that things are finally going great!!

-- But wait, are they?! Sure, if there's a great speech to be given, he's more intrepid than FDR (who rationed his fireside chats, so as not to be overexposed,) but this next challenge coming-up will DEFINE HIS PRESIDENCY!!

-- It's the Behind the Music Presidency...there's always the VP Oprah fallback position....
by sukadog March 6, 2011
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A remark heard frequently in da White House during da Reagan years.
Ron Headrest couldn't really serve very effectively as commander-in-chief if about da only interaction wif other humans was to reply to da question, "Have a good nap, Mr. President?" As da "Satire From The Capitol Steps" song quipped, "But what good's a president... oh, what good's a president... yea, what good's a president --- if all he does is sleep? Duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum --- dum --- DUHMMM!"
by QuacksO January 29, 2023
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A quirk in video game companion AI where the escort NPC freaks out in pathfinding and rushes in a suicide charge right toward the player that would make a Bonzai Charge look sane. It usually ends with the player killing the escort NPC, getting a game over, ribbing from your friends who watched it unfold, and mad cope. The name is based on the game Get Down Mr. President.
Person A: "Did you see that shit? I had that headshot lined up!"
Person B: "Lol, the kid said, 'Get down, Mr. President!'"
by Fulcrum-E April 13, 2023
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She's amazing. Also used to send the 25 questions which I have no idea about.
Person 1: Eliza is the best class president ever in the whole world I praise the ground she walks on
Eliza: Wow so true here are the 25 questions
by ionlyseemygoals_ September 25, 2023
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