Someone whose life revolves around their Porsche. They go out wearing a Porsche hat, has a Porsche key chain to wear around their neck and basically eats breathes and sleeps Porsche. Does not have a girlfriend but refers to the Porsche as The wife. Tells friends that the Porsche is The Starship Enterprise
Hey, I'm off out for a blast with the wife in The Enterprise. Yes I'm a Porsche Wanker. Beep beep. Wroooom....
by Anonanon555 July 28, 2016
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Some one who owns a Porsche and looses touch with reality, life and anything non Porsche related..... not to mention friends and other non Porsche social events.
Hey I know we have been having a weekly bike meets for months but I’ve gotta bail tonight as this car park Porsche meet has come up and there no way I can miss my Porsche wanker mates and their soft touch on my hairy bum cheeks
by H3lter August 20, 2018
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porsche wanker is a likeable down to earth guy into german sports cars
i would rather be a porsche wanker than a ferrari f-wit, no one likes them !
by razr rsr March 17, 2020
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