When your horny ass dog has a giant woody
Kenton: What the fuck is that?! Is that his... Erection?

Jim: that's my dogs "pink crayon" Stupid bitch
by Savage Cucumber May 21, 2016
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A bright, lovely and cute crayon you can find in Crayola crayon boxes that's used for colouring, mainly for colouring pigs, flamingos and blushing cheeks for your characters.
I love my pink crayon. I found it in a Crayola crayon box I got for my birthday. It's my favourite colour, it's bright, lovely, cute, and it's perfect for colouring pigs, flamingos and blushing cheeks for my characters.
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The act of giving a dog a boner
hey man stop touching that! That pink crayons not for drawing!
by Cr4ckRxck August 19, 2024
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