derogatory term used by truckers to describe a homosexual, or one who frequents rest areas, better known as pickle parks
You gotta have eyes in the back in your head if you want to take a leak at that rest stop, on account of all the picklers running around.
by Dick Trippins November 5, 2013
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A racist/slanderous term for a Fijian or person of Fijian decent.
by pickler101 August 8, 2010
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A dim person, or a person playing dumb. (Based on a celebrity on American Idol)
That chick pulled a Pickler when she forgot to put on pants before leaving the house!
by huhhuh April 28, 2006
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That sneaky roommate that eats all your pickles out of your fridge in the middle of the night. A devious individual indeed.
Every day I wake up with less and less pickles in my fridge. It's my sneaky fat roommate that midnight pickler.
by pooter diddler October 26, 2013
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A person who retains s*** on another person to use as leverage in an argument later down the line which has no relevance.
They have nothing else to attack a person with apart from that 'same old s***'.

What they do not understand is s*** will always be s*** no matter how long it's pickled
"Oh my god, why are you behaving like a shit pickler? It's not relevant anymore get over it Fred"

"Lucy, did he hear Julius starting an argument again with Poppy? I couldn't believe it, bringing up that old fake news, does he not realise that s*** will always be s*** no matter how old it is?"
"Yeah but come on Louise we all know he's the biggest shit pickler around here"

'Stop pickling s*** it's boring get something more relevant jeez'
by Princess Angela June 3, 2023
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when a man in a locker room goes to anotherman in a locker room and tickles or scratches his scrotum (like a tea-bag used as a diss)
Did you hear on the news, while in the shower after the big game one of the defensive linemen gave the quarter back a pickler tickler as he left the shower for missing the final pass?
by Skim Daddy & Bishop July 31, 2009
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Sticky Pckler; English; A Very, Very dirty noun.

A sexual act in which one covers thier penis in honey, maple syrup, and chocolate sace, then procedes to have rough unprotected anal sex with another. The Reieving person then sucks the finished product out with a really long bendy straw. Other devices may be used if bendy straw is not present.
Mark: "Dude! Megan let me give her a Sticky Pickler last night!!!"

Bob: "Weren't you kissing her today? You sick fucking bastard."
by Jenny Fromdablck November 5, 2011
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