Someone who uses mulch in their garden to stop the soil from drying out.
"I use mulch in my garden to stop the soil from drying out" Said Paneh
by Beanjaming Daveed Harreassespi December 10, 2020
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A wonderful, kind, caring person who always makes sure to take care of others to the best of their abilities! Panehs are very fun to be around, and they have a great sense of humour that mixes well with just about everyone. Paneh is someone who is extremely empathetic and is always willing to hear people out, but that doesn’t mean that they’re weak. Infact, if you ever meet Paneh you’ll probably find that they’re one of the strongest people you’ll meet, as well as someone who is fair to those around them. Overall, Paneh is an amazing hard worker who always wants whats best for the people they care about, but they should know that everyone else cares for them too
Some dude: Hey man, i’ve been feeling kinda down lately, im just so insecure.

Dude 2: Man, you should go talk to Paneh, they’re really good with that kind of stuff

Mike Wazowski: Hi i’m Mike Wazowski
by Corn_TK November 22, 2021
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