n. the rave concept of Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, & Responsibility, principles by which most candy ravers attempt to live their lives in and out of raves. Adapted from the original PLUR to include responsibility in response to the abuse of drugs, people, and venues within the rave community, in the hope that the community will recieve a more positive reputation from its members and critics.
by hyperexcel June 18, 2003
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Peace, Love, Unity, Respect, Responsibility.
Many ravers seem not to recognize the extra "r," and some refuse to accept it because it's not "originally" in the word PLUR. However, the first "r" wasn't there originally, either, so screw what they think.
by Anita Y August 21, 2007
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player just said with more er
i am a plurr or i am a player
by pikaman16 November 15, 2003
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