An unapologetic, ignorant lover of the pitbull breed of dogs who ignores the statistical aggressiveness and lethal rap sheet of said breed. A "pitiot" will often respond to horrible tragedies from the jaws of pitbulls by posting a video of their own pitbull licking their face.
When a toddler gets their face chewed off by a pitbull, and someone instantly asks, "Well, what was the toddler doing?", is an absolute PITIOT.
by Robb Denney December 26, 2022
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People who act like jerks and fuckin' idiots in the mosh pit. These are the people who start fights and push around smaller moshers. They also usually have their shirts off for some strange reason too.
An amalgamation of 'Pit' and 'Idiot'
Those fuckin' pitiots kicked this guy's ass at the System of a Down show.
by Metal Brian October 18, 2002
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