ourverse is not even a game yet and never will be. the people running it are problematic and ignorant. they kicked half of their mods and they claim to be better than everskies when favoritism is all they know :heart_eyes: ourverse is not a thing.
the ourverse server got deleted, good
by annathegay March 24, 2021
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A pixel doll forum-based platform similar to that of Everskies, MovieStarPlanet and other games like it, except worse, as 75% of the devs are toxic, problematic, unprofessional and such. One of the designers was groomed, and the head designer was 'demoted' (their role got shared with another designer) for a designer that did virtually nothing.

Essentially a shit show. Most of the staff quit.
We hate OurVerse. Everskies seems like a better option at this point.
by rublas April 4, 2021
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Jessie: Damn OurVerse sucks, Its problematic and claims to be better than other sites while contradicting with that by the way they treat their staff and members.

Leslie: guess I wont be checking it out then, back to MSP
by nothing to do here April 4, 2021
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Ourverse is an online pixel doll website that is not released yet, but has been cancelled for being toxic, problematic, unprofessional. They did not appreciate the talent and hard work of the designers and developers who actually worked hard on the project.

Ourverse preached being a better Everskies, yet failed miserably, having 90% of the staff and members quit the project.
Larry: Hey, have you joined Ourverse?
Becky: No, wtf, why would I? It sucks ass.
by perhapswill March 24, 2021
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Glitch fairy: yeah, i quit OurVerse
everyone else: lol same
by Gage is a WEEB April 4, 2021
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