Nutswag is the potent stank that eminates from the testicular region, below the shaft yet above the gooch. It usually is created by vigorous activity, and the constant scratching/rubbing of the scrodum area. Nutswag will become extremely potent when the confined area of the sweaty gooch is combined with anal exhaust (flatulence), creating an incredibly unbearable stank and impossible to dry wetness within your choice of package support. Also for some reason, Canadians have been reported to always projectile vomit when experiencing Nutswag.
"Kevin, do you smell that Nutswag?"
"NO, I'm Canadian! I have no tolerance to Nutswahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"Dude, you just puked on my desk, I fuckin quit"
by Fassbace May 26, 2012
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