non gender specific is a term referred to FISH who like to cross dress
Daniel.. hey ash have you heard about that funny looking fish Todsy Dragfin i think she maybe hiding something down stairs im thinking its a non gender specific?

Ash.. whatever daniel you dont know what your talking about there is no such thing as a non gender specific fish and fish dont wear clothes!! blah blah blah

Daniel.. wow ash you really need to get out of the house more, i think the cleaning chemicals are getting to you.

Daniel.. i think your right daniel
by todsy dragfin ROCKIN January 19, 2012
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When a girl or guy is sexually attracted to both sex's and has no preference. Their not specific with which gender they like and prefer. Similar to being a switch hitter, they like both genders and gender really isn't a cause for debate.
As long as their hot and we have a connection it doesn't matter what their gender is, I'd tap that.

Guy1: are you gay or straight, I've seen you with both?

Guy2: I'm non-gender specific.

Guy1: wtf does that mean?

Guy2: it doesn't matter what gender you are just as long as the feelings are mutual.
by Tauboy2 August 11, 2013
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Gender Non-Conforming is a term used to refer to people who do not conform to the stereotypical or social expectations of their gender or birthsex. Their gender expression will always be different from their actual gender. Gender Non-Conforming is also commonly abbreviated to GNC.

Gender Non-Conforming is a label that can be used for all cisgender, transgender or non-binary people. The only requirement for GNC is that you're gender expression is different from your gender. This could be seen through using different pronouns (e.g a female going by he/him), dressing differently (e.g a nb person dressing femininely) or committing in stereotypes that match other genders (e.g a man wearing feminine makeup). These are all ways you can chose to identify.

Gender Non-Conforming can also be seen through biological gendered behaviour e.g how someone may walk or act. These parts are not a choice as they are apart of your neurological configuration.

Gender Non-Conforming is an umbrella term for many labels that related to not conforming to gender expectations. E.g tomby (masculine female), sissy (feminine male), butch (masculine lesbian), drag queen. Some people consider GNC under the Trans Umbrella and apart of the Trans Community however some people rather still be considered cis.

Examples of GNC are: masculine or androgynous females, feminine or androgynous males, feminine or masculine non-binary. Feminine females, masculine males and androgynous non-binary are not GNC.
A: "Why does Emily look like a boy, is she a trans male?"
B: "No she's still a girl, she's just gender non-conforming."
by hooots December 14, 2018
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A person who regardless of their sex (male or female) does not conform the social views/standards of a persons gender (masculine or feminine).
Gender non-conformist ex. 1: A person who is male (sex) does not call himself masculine nor feminine (gender), regardless of social standards.

Gender non-conformist ex. 2: A person who is female (sex) does not call herself masculine nor feminine (gender), regardless of social standards.
by highbythebeach August 13, 2015
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a 1000000% valid gender identity where you don’t quite fit in with males or females. non binaries can use any pronouns but one of the most common pronouns used by non binaries is they/them
cishet: aww you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen!
gender non binary: actually, i don’t classify as a girl

cishet: you’re the most handsome boy i’ve ever seen??
gender non binary: no, actually, i’m non binary and my pronouns are they/them
by anonymousgirl987654321 April 5, 2019
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A Non-Genderal person is someone who likes no gender. They DON'T like boys, girls, they's/them's, blacks, whites, hispanic, etc. A Non-Genderal person will most likely not have children or get married since they have no interest in any gender. This does not make a Non-Genderal person apart of LGBT. For all the religious people, being Non-Genderal is not a sin! No where in the Bible does it say!
What's your sexuallity?

Oh, I'm Non-Genderal!
What's that?

Well it means I like no gender or race, I have interest in no one.
by Annkayacks March 4, 2021
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