
funny ass, awesome, sexy beast, who doesn't give a fuck what people think.... very real and meant to keep forever
i have a Nomun she's awesome
by awesomenes23 July 21, 2010
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A portmanteau of "Communication" and the Japanese word "Nomu," to drink, the term refers to the ability of alcohol to transcend cultural barriers in facilitating discourse and making babies.
"The business meeting was slow and difficult, and we just weren't seeing eye to eye. Everything changed about midway through dinner though - that's the power of nomunication!"

"Nomunication brought us together. Sobriety tore us apart."
by MKDB September 10, 2013
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nomu (means drink in japanese) + communicate = nomunicate

to drink and talk
Let's meet up and nomunicate!
by Japfreak March 9, 2004
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