Internet that is soo much worse than McDonald's wifi that it's only possible for those on welfare to stoop so low as to use it.
I hate playing with Jamal because his nigganet always makes it takes 5 minutes to get past the loading screen!
by Blackdynamo704 April 12, 2023
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When you access the black side of the Internet.
Guy 1: I was looking through Internet for funny pictures and ended up on a chat full of black guys smoking weed!

Guy 2: Dude, you just went to the nigganet.
by nigglius November 22, 2013
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A wireless internet signal that is stolen from nearby neighbors.

No contracts, no obligations, no credit card required!
Damnit, the signal on our nigganet sucks ass today! Open a window or something!
by Action_bastard March 1, 2010
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A term for the internet used by white kids who try to act gangsta.
If you be readin' dis, yous on tha nigganet son.
by J. T. December 29, 2006
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