A black person who hasn't paid their taxes for multiple years.
Alpha 1 9er, this is Bravo 6, we have multiple nig-nogs inbound, requesting the IRS, over. Nig-nog
by Poopnugget1234567657433 November 14, 2011
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tommy:You drank Nig nog yesterday? was it good?

Adam: it was ok
by Lakers4life89 December 11, 2010
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A way to call someone the n word without saying it
You're such a fucking nig nog Leo!!
by Little boy toucher 3 February 2, 2017
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A 40 oz. bottle of malt liquor. The negro version of egg nog. Also referred to as "nog."
-I'm going to go get some nog at the store.
by racoon wallace February 2, 2005
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The most legendary Snapchat group name ever. Usually filled with pussy hungry white boys and the odd awkward black dude
Yo send that vid of you pissing on the wall to nig nogs, it’s hilarious!
by KarsonBee December 11, 2019
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