he is fucking hot like woah damn. he is tan asf and probably has a pale ass girlfriend. is into girls named laura. He’s quiet af but then u start talking to him a lot and he’s a funny lil guy. also, he likes dick sometimes, but only wednesday nights
by boyihopethefuckyoudo October 29, 2018
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Nico, he first comes across as a shy guy, but once you get to know him he is caring but in a piss taking sort of way. He is always looking at ways of improving himself and the others closest to him, he is not metralistic. I would imagine a nico to have strange sports such as fishing, fighting and probably into leather daddy coats and motorcycles.
"Wow look other there, is that a Nico buying a dishwasher from currys"?
by lPako January 22, 2022
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someone who actually respects women and of all of the boys isn't a complete dick
bruh nico isnt mean???? luckyyyy
by urmomsbestie January 8, 2022
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Nico is an amazing person. He’s funny, he’s chill, he’s daring but handsome and loves anyone that will love him. You will feel like you can tell him anything, because he is a great listener and looks at you while you’re speaking because he wants to make sure you know he’s paying attention to you. You will never find anyone quite as unique as Nico.
“Nico is so nice!”

I know, he’s just the best.”
by Raven Venot April 19, 2023
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This kid will most likely annoy you or will around school like he's a power ranger on crack usually has a odd haircut like a barcode and is afraid of all women except his mom
Nico is the opposite of a male player when it comes to women
by davedamanz February 18, 2019
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