Nebby is slang from Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania that means nosy.
Ruth: Why did you and Emily break up?

Jonathan: Stop being nebby and mind your business.
by ThatBitchWithTheBigBoobs August 6, 2021
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Someone or Something who is too stupid to stay in the fucking bag
by Gleebis November 30, 2016
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A person that acts dumb or stupid, without sense or knowledge of what they are doing.
Gosh, I hung out with Yossi the other day and he was acting so Nebby I wanted to shake some sense into him.
by NomadWordMaker January 12, 2021
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People who regularly uses a nebulizer to take medication. See nebbing.
I always carry inhalers, but on road trips longer than a few hours I often need something more, so I have neb stations in my truck as well as near my bed and desk. I hope these suggestions will help another nebbie, hopefully more than one.
by thnidu September 19, 2016
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