Generally a cheap joke made at the expense of someone elses mother, especially with sexual connotations.
#1: What's going down?
#2: Johnson's mum
#3: Again? .. laughs

#1: Well my mum was mowing the lawn
#2: Last time I checked she didn't have anything to mow ;)
by P.D. March 8, 2004
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Jokes your smart & sexy friend makes but pisses you off cus you can't find a comeback
Person 1: Come on. Is there really nothing you want for your birthday?

Person 2: yeah only one thing. A date with your mum.

Person 1: wow. That was one of the best Your mum jokes
by Sexypianogql January 9, 2023
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A mum joke is similar to a dad joke, except it either doesn't land, isn't funny, or is trying too hard.
"Why is a computer so smart?
Because it listens to its motherboard."

-Oh that is such a mum joke!
by CallofClicky February 16, 2022
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the worst your mum jokes out there... with no one laughing but himself
guy 1: your chicken looks dry as hell
luke: your mum is dry as hell

lukes your mum jokes
by jason leland April 27, 2022
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