1. A form of fuckery that has no limits. It portrays anything you can not describe.

2. Anything/ Everything
1. Guy: yo this girl ate my ass while her mom sucked my dick, and her dad and grandma was recording.

Friend: what a Methum

2. Guy: what did you eat

Friend: Methum

Guy: it had to be good!
by Master Methum September 26, 2017
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Someone who is too fat and sad to even say it is human. It is usually liked by people not cause of its personality but just to see it fall down again like pandas falling down stairs. Alternatives to the word Methum includes Mammoth, Mammothy or Fat Fuc.
Wat up Methum”
Piss off Methum”
by BoardNerd June 21, 2020
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A massive gigachad that assrapes everyone he sees.
Sarah: My mum, my sister, and I just got assfucked by Josh in public.
John: Josh is such a Methum.
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